Investing 101: Learn How Your Business Can Invest in the Financial World

in Finance by Emily Snell

Investing 101: Learn How Your Business Can Invest in the Financial World

The universe of the stock market and investing as a whole may seem complicated. However, as the saying goes, it is best to start at the beginning. With the help of financial industry experts, you can teach yourself foundational principles and fundamental facts then move on to more advanced lessons. Here are some great ways to learn the basics of investing and the financial world.

Learn essential definitions.

The first step is to understand the meaning of common financial terms. There are many websites that are good sources of basic information, featuring definitions, informative articles, and explanations. One such site is, published by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Another is In addition to news and live stock updates, this site has an education section that can help you get started with investing basics.

Other sites publish helpful articles that can further your knowledge. Start basic and approach your financial education methodically. As you learn new terms, make a list. Focus on a particular term at a time. Make notes as you study and learn and put them in folders so you can easily refer to important points when you need them.

Read books and articles.

Sound investing books are a good way to build a strong base of knowledge about investing and finances, as are articles, both in print and on the internet. The benefit of online material is that it is easily updated based upon current trends and conditions, so you may be reading more current material in web articles. You will probably get a more thorough learning experience with a mix of both print and online material.

You can find articles on both trends and specific subjects. This is where the notes you take can help guide your education. By searching for specific topics, you can focus your learning on a particular day or during a certain week on a subject of interest you feel you should know more about.

Watch videos.

With the advent of video channel platforms, you have the option of learning from videos. If you are an audio or a visual learner, this is a good choice. Videos can make learning and recalling information easier, even for complicated subjects. Educational videos also sometimes feature text along with images and sound, and this multi-sensory approach stimulates deep cognition. You learn more and retain information longer.

Take these videos about markets from Fisher Investments, an asset manager, for example. They break down the material into short video “chapters.” This approach helps you learn even seemingly complicated subjects easily, and you can watch the videos as many times as you need in order to fully understand the material.

Take courses.

If you are short on time or feel you might have a problem organizing your own learning program to start, consider signing up for an online course about investing. These courses are generally conducted through videos. They set up your educational curriculum, although you can progress through the lessons at your own pace, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.

To put what you are learning into context, some industry experts publish articles and daily commentary about market conditions and investment news. By putting your knowledge of investment facts and practices side by side with current events and analysis, you gain a clearer understanding of the investment world overall and how numerous factors affect finances.

Thanks to technology and forward-thinking from industry experts, you have many resources that help you teach yourself about investing and finances. Gaining knowledge about these important subjects is a smart move. It sets you up for a more confident future in managing your financial situation.

About the Author

Emily Snell

Emily is a contributing marketing author at where she regularly consults on content strategy and overall topic focus. Emily has spent the last 12 years helping hyper growth startups and well-known brands create content that positions products and services as the solution to a customer's problem.

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