6 Ways to Market Your Business Online

in Marketing by Richard Bertch

6 Ways to Market Your Business Online

There are still efficient ways to get your name out there if you don't have a lot of money to spend on marketing in the early stages of your firm.

Minor businesses had limited choices for low-cost marketing before the Internet, such as printing leaflets or sponsoring small local events. All you have to do now is know where to seek on the Internet to find a wealth of possibilities.

Here are seven free online marketing tactics for your business:

Use one of the three major local listing services to start.

Your business gets simpler to locate on Google searches and displays on Google Maps when you register it with Google Places. Simply complete the form and register, after which your business will be authenticated through their confirmation process, which can be done over the phone or by mail. Yahoo! also has Yahoo! Local, which is a massive corporate database. It's absolutely free, and the few minutes it takes to set up are definitely worth it. Bing, Microsoft's search engine, has a similar, user-friendly tool.

  1. Create and verify a Google Business Profile.

When someone types in your business name (ideas for creative business names here!) and location, your Google Business Profile (Google's term for your Google listing) is what allows your business to appear in Google Maps results, the local section of Google Search results, and the right-side Knowledge Panel in Search results. As Google gets better at personalizing its results to the searcher's location, this free listing should be a key goal.

To use your Firm Profile to advertise your business, you must first verify ownership of your listing using your free Google My Firm account. You may optimize your listing once you've taken ownership of it to appear higher in search results and for more relevant queries.

  1. Get feedback on the product

Having your product assessed could assist you in spreading the word and increasing sales. Instead than waiting for someone to review your products, start with a blogger outreach attempt. For example, you might obtain a product review from Buzzfeed.

  1. Make use of your email list (and continue to grow it).

Even if you have a physical business, having an effective email marketing strategy is essential. Gather as many email addresses as you can from clients, prospects, and people who are interested in your events, for example. You'll be able to send an email to all of those people once your store is up and running, notifying them that they may shop online.

This is an excellent opportunity to provide a discount to those on your email list, or a referral discount to encourage them to tell their friends and family about your website.

Continue to collect email addresses on your website because email marketing is one of the most effective ecommerce marketing techniques. Customers are enticed to enter their email addresses in exchange for a little discount, such as 15% off their first order or free shipping, by using pop-up boxes.

Make sure you're communicating with your email list on a regular basis as well. Create a regular email schedule with special offers, new content, product launches, and other information that will motivate people to visit your website.

  1. Include a personal statement in your application.

People come to your website, particularly the About page, to learn more about your firm. Don't settle for a paragraph of ambiguous terms to describe your mission or objectives. Personalize what you do and include multiple references to how others have characterized you to make it authentic.

If you're looking for ideas, HubSpot has put together a collection of fantastic About pages. An effective About page has data-driven numbers, a personal tone, and direct communication with the target market.

  1. Maintain a blog.

Your blog should serve a range of functions, including allowing you to regularly add new keywords and optimizing your SEO strategy. More significantly, your blog provides a platform for you to offer advice, share information, and actually communicate with your audience. Any long-term relationship is built on trust, and your blog is a fantastic place to start.

  1. Collaborate with influencers on social media

The influencer marketing industry is a multibillion-dollar business. A firm pays or gives away free products to a blogger or influencer with a significant social media following, for those unfamiliar with how it all works. The influencer promotes your goods on social media in exchange. It is really powerful.

Influencers with enormous followings can fetch high fees, but those with smaller followings (called "micro-influencers") have high engagement rates and are often willing to post anything for a free product or trial.

About the Author

Richard Bertch

Richard is a contributing finance author at ChamberofCommerce.com and freelance writer about all things business, finance and productivity. With over 10 years of copywriting experience, Richard has worked with brands ranging from Quickbooks to Oracle creating insightful whitepapers, conversion focused product pages and thought leadership blog posts. 

Full Biography

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