6 Proven Ways to Build a Website that Customers Will Love

in Marketing by Emily Snell

6 Proven Ways to Build a Website that Customers Will Love

6 Proven Ways to Build a Website that Customers Will Love

It is not uncommon for business owners to be concerned about developing a streamlined and professionally designed website that meets important marketing objectives.

If you are reckless while constructing your website, you will undoubtedly suffer the consequences sooner or later. As a result, it is critical to create a well-designed and well-curated website that your clients will enjoy returning to.

The following are a few of the best and proven methods for creating a website that your consumers will enjoy.

Having correctly prioritized pages

If you fail to correctly prioritize critical pages, your clients will dread being on your site. And, unfortunately, many websites fail to make key points clear on their web pages. Many restaurant websites, for example, don't display their business hours on their homepage. Worse, their phone number is posted at the very end of the page for reservation inquiries. It is critical to examine your web pages through the eyes of a consumer and strive to keep things simple and clutter-free.

Make sure the colors are right

According to the Von Restoff Effect, any hue that is bright and stands out is instantly and easily identified, whereas the colors that blend in are easily forgotten. So, theoretically, there is no single color that outperforms the others, but a color's potential to influence conversions is influenced by the content rather than the hue.

As a result, while running A/B testing, keep in mind that one hue may outperform the other simply because it sticks out from the rest.

Choose headlines that are brief

Many credible research and surveys indicate that headlines are unquestionably one of the most seen items on a web page. We might have believed that pictures would be the most popular, but it is the headlines that draw the most attention since visitors want to know what the website is all about. As a result, it is a smart idea to have a clear, concise, and punchy headline that lets visitors know what the page is about right away.

Make sure your headline isn't just like any other marketing approach; a headline should actually deliver the users the information they're looking for.

White space

Your consumers will like it because a lot of white space will make it easier for them to understand the text on the page. Having white space is critical for reading comprehension and establishing contrast with other on-page components.

When you remove white space from the margins, reading comprehension suffers significantly. With that in mind, also make sure your font is adequately spaced and easy to read so that people can quickly digest the information.

Hiring a web designer

Finding a reputable web designer is one of the more expensive ways to create a website, but it is also the simplest and least time-consuming. It essentially means that you can delegate the task of constructing your website to a professional who is skilled and well-versed in the field. Of course, you will have to pay and conduct your own research to discover a web designer who can perform your work at a reasonable price. It will also be vital to find someone who will allow you to modify your website as much or as little as you like.

If you do not want to pay a professional web designer for whatever reason, you should look into some of the free website builders that are available. A free website builder will assist you in designing, building, launching, and managing your website for free.

Your website must load quickly

This is possibly the most obvious of the bunch. Nobody enjoys a slow website. Period. Even a 2-second increase delay in page response time lowered customer satisfaction by close to four percent and generated four percent more lost revenue per user.

So, how can you make sure your website loads quickly? First, add the on-page items that are absolutely necessary for your page. Then, employ caching and invest in premium hosting to help you load the page quickly and without causing delays.

Final words

In this article, we've discussed a few tried-and-true methods for creating a website that your clients will want to return to again and again. Unfortunately, almost 50% of businesses still do not have a website for their business. That is a startling fact, given how important it is for any business to have a professional-looking website in order to survive and grow.

Don't be one of the few who don't have a great website. Get yours up and running right away!

About the Author

Emily Snell

Emily is a contributing marketing author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on content strategy and overall topic focus. Emily has spent the last 12 years helping hyper growth startups and well-known brands create content that positions products and services as the solution to a customer's problem.

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