5 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand

in Marketing by Ling Wong

5 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand

5 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand

Developing a personal brand is more important now than it has ever been in the past. Without one, you will struggle to secure top positions, your business will suffer, and your knowledge will be wasted. The good news is that you can establish your own brand while doing what you love without spending huge amounts of money.

Without further ado, let's get started on the basics of developing a personal brand.

Define your passion

This is the easiest step, but it should be taken seriously. The most critical component of developing a personal brand is determining what you are actually passionate about. The rest of the steps below must be postponed until you have determined your passion. People frequently make the mistake of assuming that their current employment must be their passion. It very well could be, but make sure you don't automatically accept it as your passion without giving it some thought. You may be an accountant, but your true interest could be cooking or traveling. If that's the case, it is time to establish yourself as the world's top cooking or travel specialist. Be cautious while picking what to center your personal brand on. You will ultimately run out of power/desire to keep it going if you are not sincerely passionate about it.

Create your blog

Your personal brand is built on the strength of your blog. It will be the stage for you to demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm. It is where you will establish yourself as a thinking leader. It will be the location where your community absorbs your content and engages with you.

Which social media platform is better for personal branding? The  answer is usually pretty simple: "wherever your audience is." That's all there is to it. When developing a social media presence, your goal should be to go where your audience is so that you can interact with them and form relationships. If the bulk of your target audience is on Facebook, you should absolutely set up an account there. LinkedIn is the place to go if you want to reach out to upscale businesspeople.

Keep in touch with influencers

Getting in touch with a key influencer in your field was practically impossible a few years ago. It was necessary to have connections, tools, or money. Now it's as simple as searching for them on Twitter and sending them a tweet. While it isn't always that smooth, most influencers are now approachable, and you can benefit significantly from cultivating relationships with them.

Following influencers on social media and communicating with them is the greatest method to engage with them. This can take the shape of likes, shares, or direct communication. Try to interact with an influencer in a casual manner before approaching them about something business-related. With t his method, your initial engagement with them will not consist of you begging for favors. Even better, volunteer to assist them first. Influencers get used to being asked for assistance, but it is much more uncommon for someone to volunteer to help them.

Attend networking events in person

Social media has made networking and making contacts easier than ever before. Unfortunately, as a result, in-person communication and networking have diminished dramatically. If you want to cultivate long-term relationships, you must also engage in offline networking opportunities.

Try to get opportunities for speaking at networking events as you create your personal brand. This will assist you in expanding your online audience and establishing yourself as a thought leader. It may potentially lead to future paid opportunities.

Create your own community

Your first goal must be to create a community. The benefit of starting your personal branding journey is that it is quite simple to interact with everyone in your community. However, as you progress and grow your following, this starts to be increasingly time-consuming and/or impossible.

When you first start out, the main goal you should have is to establish a dedicated community. The quickest method to accomplish this is to assist your audience. You assist them by answering queries, generating useful content, spreading their online posts, and so on. People will ultimately line up to help you if you help them for free.

Last thoughts

As you can see, developing a strong personal brand is important, achievable, and rewarding.  There is no such thing as a perfect time to begin, so quit waiting and get to work. It should be enjoyable. It should be challenging. You will make big mistakes. But, in the end, you'll learn a lot, make a lot of new friends, and possibly make some money along the way.

About the Author

Ling Wong

Ling is a contributing Social Media author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on social media strategy. 

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