4 Ways Guaranteed to Increase Traffic to Your Website

in Marketing by Ling Wong

4 Ways Guaranteed to Increase Traffic to Your Website
  1. Answer Questions About Your Niche

No matter where they are in the purchasing process, your potential customers will have questions. These might be top-of-funnel or bottom-of-funnel queries, such as "what is content marketing?" or "what are the best content marketing tools for content planning?"

By addressing these questions, you're putting your company in front of potential clients, regardless of where they are in the buying cycle.

So, how can you figure out what kinds of questions potential clients have?

Your first port of call should be Google. Simply completing a search for your topic will help you come up with ideas. Take a look at the questions below. Google is providing you with the sorts of questions you need to answer right there in the search results.

  1. Produce information that will be useful for a long run

Let's get one thing out of the way: we're not anti-seasonal programming. If you market a seasonal product or service, it makes sense to provide seasonal content. If you want users to come back to your site throughout the year, you'll need to create evergreen content.

What then is evergreen content?

It's exactly what it sounds like: content that can drive traffic to your website throughout the year. Because there are fewer dips and peaks, traffic is more reliable and consistent.

There are several types of evergreen content (the most of which may be found in the tools listed below), but here are a few of the most popular.

How-to guides

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Questions and Answers (Q&As) (FAQs)

Step-by-step instructions or tutorials

The most thorough set of instructions

Product reviews and round-ups

Manuals for training

One way to ensure that this type of evergreen information remains profitable is to update it on a regular basis. Regularly review the content to verify that the advice is current and relevant. If you do it this way, you'll be able to keep getting on-topic traffic to your site year after year. It's like receiving a never-ending gift!

  1. Create information that is aesthetically pleasing

It's worth noting that if you utilize this method, you'll be more likely to gain connections and visibility on other sites, which will assist drive traffic to your site over time - unless you can link your photographs to content that people are actively seeking for.

What types of visual materials do you have the ability to create? It's very probable that you'll have to think about things like:

To build a visual depiction, use data that is relevant to your knowledge.

Infographics that help people comprehend hard concepts quickly.

Photographs that you may license through Creative Commons and have your firm highlighted on other websites.

  1. Assemble expert roundups

Another tried-and-true method for increasing traffic to your site is to create expert round-ups in your subject. It's not difficult to persuade others in your profession to share their thoughts on a topic - after all, we're all trying to grow our businesses.

The advantage of expert roundups is that they assist both parties. Content is made available to you. The material can create traffic if its members share it. Participants benefit from the increased visibility that comes with being featured on your website.

You can easily identify experts in your field by using tools like Ahrefs, Buzzsumo, and Buzzstream Discovery, all of which are discussed more in this article.

The experts can then be called for their opinions on a recurring topic.

It's a win-win content marketing approach for everyone.

It's always a good idea to repurpose items.

You must make sure that any traffic-generating material you create is used to its greatest potential. Use the substance many times. Utilize your money across many channels to get the most bang for your buck.

Do you require some motivation? Repurposing your content marketing efforts may be done in a variety of ways.

A presentation can be recorded and distributed via YouTube or a podcasting service.

Using a tool like otter.ai, the same presentation may be transcribed and transformed into a blog post with a little fiddling.

Visual content from guides and blog posts can be repurposed on social media.

On a regular basis, blog articles might be forwarded to an email marketing list.

Internal processes can be used to develop whitepapers.

Combine blog postings with fresh material for whitepapers and eBooks.

Organize your team's tweets into tips and tool roundups.

The list might go on forever. The more locations your content appears, the greater chances you'll have of getting individuals to return to your website.

About the Author

Ling Wong

Ling is a contributing Social Media author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on social media strategy. 

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