4 Tools to Replace Facebook Analytics

in Marketing by Ling Wong

4 Tools to Replace Facebook Analytics

Four Tools to Replace Facebook Analytics

Facebook will no longer offer its official Facebook Analytics tool after June 30, 2021. However, the platform still offers many ways to gather valuable information and insights.

Let's be real: Facebook analytics is mandatory for any business that uses Facebook. It's that simple.

You won't maximize your impact on the 1.62 billion users who use the social network daily if you don't collect data and insights.

It's important to use Facebook for business in a structured way that links your social media efforts with real business goals. Facebook analytics can provide valuable information to help you measure and refine your strategy.

It is important to understand how people interact with your content on Facebook. This understanding will help you ensure that the Facebook algorithm works in your favor, not against you.

Facebook will no longer offer its official Facebook Analytics tool. However, the platform still offers many ways to gather valuable insights and information. We're here to help you make the most of all of them. (We also provide suggestions for additional tools like Hootsuite that will allow you to track your performance on Facebook and other social networks.

These are the most important Facebook analytics tools that you will need to optimize your business on Facebook.

Facebook Analytics Tools

Facebook Analytics (with a capital "A") may be closing down. But don't worry. You still have three options to access data and insights in the Facebook platform: Facebook Business Suite (with a capital A), Creator Studio (with a lower capital S), and Facebook Insights (with a lower capital S). Hootsuite also offers Facebook's social analytics. Let's dig in.

Facebook Business Suite

Facebook Analytics will be shut down on June 30, 2021. They recommend users switch to Facebook Business Suite if it is available.

Facebook Business Suite allows you to manage all of your Instagram and Facebook accounts from one place. You will find all your Facebook business tools here. It's also where you can manage all your advertising and marketing activities.

You can also find insights into your paid and organic social media campaigns on Facebook (and Instagram)! These insights are available in Business Suite's Insights Section.

You can view metrics, trends, and visual reports that will help you gain insight into your account or individual posts. These insights could include:

  • Engagement, including comments and likes
  • Demographic information about your followers
  • Reach your Facebook Page

Business Suite will replace Business Manager. It may not yet be available in your area. To access Business Suite, just log into the Facebook account associated with your business -- if you're eligible, you'll be redirected to Business Suite when you go to business.facebook.com on desktop.

Creator Studio

Creator Studio is a Facebook section specifically for content creators. It combines all tracking, management, posting, and monetizing tools in one place. Creator Studio is the best way to find out about new features and monetization opportunities.

Facebook Creator Studio overview

The Insights tab will provide information about the performance and reach of your pages, earnings, and content.

Creator Studio will allow you to gain insights such as:

  • Followers (and unfollowers) are welcome to follow!
  • Impressions, reach, and engagement
  • A detailed breakdown of your followers and viewers
  • Loyalty and performance
  • You can find more information about Insights within Creator Studio here.
  • Facebook Insights

It is irritating that Facebook calls every item on its website "Insights.” We are, however, on the Facebook Insights Page, which is hidden within Facebook Business Manager.

Facebook Insights Page

You can view content insights, traffic trends overarching, and amazing detail about your audience. The Insights Page is a great way of seeing who is watching, liking, and following your content.

This tool will allow you to dig deep into your audience to target your Facebook ads effectively.


Although things are a bit chaotic at Facebook right now, as it reshuffles its analytics tools, Hootsuite will continue to track analytic data.

Users will continue tracking their Facebook performance and all other social networks via the Hootsuite dashboard.

Hootsuite Analytics provides a comprehensive overview of all your social media activities in one place. Having all of this in one place makes it easy to do social media analytics, saves time, and allows you to compare aggregate results across different networks.

Key metrics will be displayed for every social post, including:

  • Clicks
  • Comment
  • Reach
  • Shares
  • Video views
  • Video Reach

You will also be able to see metrics for your profiles, such as follower growth over time. You can choose the metrics that are most important to you, so you can quickly see all relevant results.

Based on the performance of your account, you can also view suggestions for the best times and places to post.

Fans online every hour

Five reasons to track Facebook analytics

Understanding performance

How can you tell what worked and what didn’t? Look back.

Looking back is more than a way to congratulate yourself for executing successful campaigns. It's information that will help guide you in the right direction for your future strategy.

What content is most popular? What was the reason that 40 people unfollowed you on Wednesday? It is crucial to see the hard facts about what happened on Facebook. Seeing these hard facts will help you learn, grow, and make your Facebook presence as impactful as possible.

Facebook Insights Content


The reporting tools are extremely useful for anyone with stakeholders or curious coworkers and wants to get a quick snapshot of what is happening on Facebook.

To share clear and concise results and trends, you can export graphic PDFs, spreadsheets, or charts using the analytics tool you prefer.

Trends Instagram reach and Facebook page reach

Understanding your audience

Perhaps you have a specific target group in mind when creating your content, branding, and campaign. You won't be able to tell if they are connected unless you do.

Facebook's vast data collection will reveal who is following and engaging with your content. It also includes demographic and geographical data such as age, gender, and location.

Facebook audience demographics

What is your online audience? Are you surprised at how many people follow you from Germany? These questions can help you refine your content to reach your desired audience or pivot your strategy so that you engage more people.

Optimizing your Page

Facebook Page analytics will show you which actions users take on your site, such as clicking on your contact information or clicking through to your website.

How do these actions align with your Facebook marketing strategy goals?

How can you improve your Page so that they take the right direction? Perhaps you should change your call-to-action button. Perhaps you should change the pinned post. Consider what you want your Page to accomplish. Use Page Insights for a visual representation of which actions people are most interested in.

Bonus: Get a free guide on how to convert Facebook traffic into sales using Hootsuite.

Get the guide for free right now!

Schedule your posts at the most convenient times

There are many general guidelines for when Facebook posts should be made. However, your audience will determine the best time to post.

It is extremely helpful to have data about when your followers are most likely online for planning posts. This information can be paired with a scheduling tool such as Hootsuite.

Best time to post on Facebook

Important Facebook Analytics metrics

Your audience interacts with your brand in many ways on Facebook. They might visit your page, click on an advertisement, buy tickets to an event, or interact with Live videos.

Marketers need to be able to identify the behavior, engagement, and demographics behind these digital spaces and activities, in addition to the general Facebook analytics tools.

Facebook Page Insights

You can uncover a wealth of information by looking at the analytics on your Facebook Page.


What percentage of people saw your posts? Which people interacted with them? What posts were hidden? Are there any spam reports?

Post reach

Types of posts

Which type of content is being shared? Video, text-based posts, or photos? To get a clear picture of your audience's engagement and reach, measure the engagement versus the reach.

Post types link photo status


This tab does more than track page views. It also tracks who is visiting your page.

Total number of people who viewed your site

Facebook Audience insights

Facebook Insights allows you to check on your existing audience as well as custom audiences.

Facebook Audience Insights


So you can see which countries and cities are most popular with your audience so that you can identify where they come from.

Age & Gender

Here you can see the breakdown of age and the percentage of men and women (no statistics available for non-binary folx at present, unfortunately).

Analytics for Facebook ads

Ads Manager allows you to view, modify, and track the results of all your Facebook ads, ad sets, and campaigns.

Facebook Ads Manager


How many people saw your advertisement? This number should be compared to the actual click-throughs and engagement. If they are seeing your ad but not following your CTA, then what could have gone wrong?

Cost per result

This data will help you determine the ROI of your campaign.


The Breakdowns tool allows you to view the ages of your audience, their location, and whether or not they are viewing your ads on desktop or mobile.

Facebook Group Analytics

Facebook Groups can be a great way for brands to create fan communities. You can also collect data through the Admin Tools to identify your most passionate followers. Data such as:

Top contributors

Find out who the most involved members of your community are and tap them to become influencers or partners.


Brands can understand the most active times of their members to help them decide when and what posts to make for maximum reach.


You can track how many people are joining your community and what have been the triggers for surges. This could give you an idea of future promotions.

Growth of Facebook Insights

Facebook Live Analytics

After reading our article on creating Facebook Live videos that people want to watch, it's now time to look at the data and see if your creative content is successful. Click on the Live video to view the metrics, or visit your Video Library tab under Page Insights.

Video analytics for Facebook Live

Peak concurrent viewers

When your video is live, track the maximum number of viewers simultaneously at any given time.


The total number of viewers that your Live video received on a given day.

Average completion rate of %

Are viewers able to tune in? Do they stay or leave right away? It might be time for a rethink of your content strategy if you have a retention issue.

Video analytics on Facebook

Is your audience a fan or hater of video? There is only one way to find this out: look at the analytics for that specific post. To see how each video performs overall, head to Page Insights by clicking on Post Types. Click on the title of the post to view metrics such as:

Video retention

An interactive graph allows you to see which frame corresponds to what moment in your video and what the retention rate was at that moment.

audience retention

Average viewing duration

This statistic, like Live video, is very useful in determining how much traffic your content is getting. It is important to consider that if someone watches a video and then leaves, what does it matter?

Video engagement

This gives you a clear idea of how engaging the content is.

Engagement of the audience through likes, comments, and shares

Facebook Analytics and its app, Facebook Analytics, may be closing down. However, you will see that there is still plenty to analyze on this platform and a million ways to do so. Your brand will be well-equipped to create the best social media marketing strategy. Knowledge is power.

About the Author

Ling Wong

Ling is a contributing Social Media author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on social media strategy. 

Full Biography

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