7 Ways to Strike a Balance Between Technology and Touch

in Living by David Nartin

7 Ways to Strike a Balance Between Technology and Touch

7 Ways to Strike a Balance Between Technology and Touch 

Technology is capable of a great deal, but it is not capable of everything. That is something we forget from time to time. Our reliance on email and social media can cause us to lose sight of what our clients truly require. Customers want to be able to communicate with businesses in a variety of high-tech ways, but they also desire deep and meaningful connections with those same companies. It might be difficult to tread the line between right and wrong. 

When trying to strike the correct balance, keep in mind that your client relationships are built on emotions and trust, therefore utilize technology only in a way that preserves, enhances, and catapults those relationships to the next level. Human requirements remain constant and relationships are still important. Technology can help you build a solid, trust-based client connection, but it can't replace face-to-face interaction with your customers. 

Here are seven suggestions to help you use technology in a more intelligent and meaningful manner. 

1. Do not allow technology to take over as your major mode of interaction

Nothing can substitute the effectiveness of a face-to-face meeting (even if it is conducted via Skype), particularly in the early stages of your customer engagement. Phone chats can be really beneficial as well. Staying in touch with clients by email, text message, and email blasts is acceptable practice. In a well-established relationship, these strategies can help to enhance and deepen it. However, they should only be used as a supplement. 

2. Use Skype or Zoom to attend critical meetings if you are unable to attend in person

In-person contacts are the most beneficial for relationship building (especially with high-value clients), but this is not always possible. Video conferencing is the next best thing. It's an excellent method for interpreting body language and facial expressions, which is essential for creating trust and establishing pleasant and productive partnerships. 

3. Take regular calls on your cell phone

Many individuals despise talking on the phone. Conversations can be drawn out, and we're all crammed into our schedules to the fullest. But it's past time for you to get over your phone fear. When it comes to relationship development (as well as problem solving), there is no alternative for the give and take that occurs between people speaking face to face. 

4. Pay close attention to the communication preferences of your clients

Take notice of whether a client appears to favor phone, text, or in-person conversation and respect their preferred mode of communication while keeping your own commitment to person-to-person engagement. This demonstrates that you are concerned about and respect their preferences. Find a happy medium between the client's personal style and your own, as well as the necessities of the day. 

5. When using social media, be attentive and intentional

Is your internet presence well-thought-out and well-implemented? Your Facebook or LinkedIn posts should have a clear connection to your company's brand and mission statement. Your tweets should be useful to both your clients and your target audience. Don't overburden your audience with inane stuff. This calls into question your credibility. Post less frequently, but make sure the content is decent. 

6. Keep your website's design and functionality up to date and flexible

Check to see if your website is consistent with your company's image and mission. When you meet a customer for the first time, make sure that your professional and sleek presentation is on par with your own personal appearance. Businesses that succeed have websites that are simplified, up-to-date, and have current fonts, colors, and layouts. If it's been a while since you've updated your website's design, it's likely that your site is in desperate need of a tune-up and a facelift. 

7. Use email to communicate with clients about relevant and compelling material

Relationships based on high trust grow when they are communicated with frequently. In order to strengthen your relationships (especially if you haven't spoken in a while), offer articles and stuff that you know they will find interesting. This gesture demonstrates that you are thinking about them and that you are aware of their interests. Just remember to keep these communications under check. In fact, bombarding clients with spammy links may have the opposite effect of strengthening and increasing the value of your relationship. 

If you harness the power of technology appropriately, it has the potential to accomplish fantastic things for your company, but keep in mind that it is only one tool in your arsenal. While you should use technology to improve your business, you should avoid allowing it to take precedence over your objective to maintain trust-based client relationships at the heart of what you do."

About the Author

David Nartin

David is a marketing manager at ChamberofCommerce.com. He specializes Internet marketing and marketing tools for small businesses.

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