Why Millennials are the New Greatest Generation

in Business by Emily Snell

Why Millennials are the New Greatest Generation

Generation Y is constantly being given a reputation of being entitled and uncompetitive in the workforce that is very undeserved. But what if I told you, in spite of this public perception and bad luck, or perhaps even because of it, the Millennials are actually the most generous, educated and civic-minded generation since the Greatest Generation? Don’t believe me? The following infographic debunks many of those Gen Y myths. See for yourself what this generation has accomplished and how hard they work despite the less than favorable job market they face.

Image credit: konradbak / 123RF Stock Photo

Infographic via OnlineMPADegrees.com

About the Author

Emily Snell

Emily is a contributing marketing author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on content strategy and overall topic focus. Emily has spent the last 12 years helping hyper growth startups and well-known brands create content that positions products and services as the solution to a customer's problem.

Full Biography

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