Guide to Optimizing for Email Automation Success

in Marketing by David Nartin

Guide to Optimizing for Email Automation Success

Guide to Optimizing for Email Automation Success

Email marketing automation has a lot of advantages.

These are a few of the most major email marketing advantages that come with going digital.

Your time is reclaimed

One of the most significant advantages of email marketing automation is that it saves you time. It's no longer possible to send emails manually once your company has grown to a particular size.

You can grow your marketing efforts with email marketing automation. You can increase your reach without putting in three times as much work.

Enhances consumer satisfaction

Email marketing automation isn't just more easy for you; it also gives your customers a better experience. This is because the sort of emails your consumers receive is determined by their behavior.

A website visitor, for example, may desire to learn more about your organization but may not be ready for a salesman to contact them. As a result, they sign up for a free guide and receive an email welcoming them.

You continue to build the relationship with that subscriber by sending them valuable and relevant content until they're ready to go on to the next level. You can provide material that is targeted to their individual needs with email marketing automation.

Enhances revenue

Email marketing generates more revenue for your company, according to data. You can boost the chances of turning someone into a buyer by sending targeted, timely emails to your subscribers.

Marketers who deployed segmented marketing, for example, saw a 760 percent boost in revenue, and 59 percent of marketers say email is their most profitable source of revenue.

Increases knowledge

Another advantage of email marketing is that it allows you to understand more about your subscribers. You'll learn what kinds of emails they enjoy, what subject lines entice them to open them, and what kinds of things they're interested in. 

Simple Solutions to Common Issues are Provided by Marketing Automation

These are typical issues, but they're also simple to resolve. Taking the effort to fix these problems will improve your deliverability and engagement metrics, which will improve your conversion rates and the quality of the leads you send to sales.

Marketing automation systems such as Act-on make it easier to optimize your email campaigns and boost your overall lead nurturing efforts. You may easily build up several email campaigns and obtain insights on client behavior, allowing you to increase the success of your email marketing efforts over time.

Here are a few types of email campaigns that might be optimized by automation

Emails of welcome

These emails are sent when a customer joins up for emails, becomes a subscriber, or makes their first purchase from you. Take the time to explain your platform to your customer. Where can they obtain the information they require? Describe your working style and what your customer will get from working with or purchasing from you!

Emails from abandoned carts

The average cart abandonment rate in 2020 was more than 68 percent. Users are visiting your site and adding items to their carts, yet almost 68 percent of them do not complete their purchases! An abandoned cart email provides the extra push they require to remind them of their potential purchase and encourage them to complete it. You can put anything in your abandoned cart email, from a statement like "still thinking it over?" to further information on why your customer should buy from you.

Search for Abandonment

We've already discussed the importance of abandoned cart emails (over 68 percent isn't a joke), but what about clients who haven't even reached the cart? I'm referring to the 89 percent of visitors who never get past the search box. When a customer browses on any page or product and then abandons the search, a browse abandonment email is sent. To entice potential buyers, include a call to action in your email, such as "Come back before it's too late!"

Win-back system that is automated

It may come across as harsh, but your subscribers aren't always interested in what you're giving them. If you've discovered that some of your subscribers aren't engaging with your material as much as they used to, it's time to send them an automatic win-back email with a tempting offer. These emails target those who haven't interacted with your emails in a long time in order to pique their interest again. A typical automated win-back campaign would begin with a company reminder, a purchase incentive, and a request for feedback. If all else fails, give your consumer the option to unsubscribe if they so desire.

Flow of the Sunset

Perhaps you've delivered your automated win-backs but have yet to receive a response. So, what's next? Unfortunately, if your emails aren't opened, email providers like Gmail will notice and send them to the spam bin. Send out a sunset flow that urges users to unsubscribe from the email list to prevent getting placed on the dreaded Gmail blacklist. Sunset flows, despite appearing paradoxical (losing subscribers isn't good, right? ), will keep your subscriber list efficient and interested! This improves the general health of your email list, resulting in higher open rates, click-through rates, and success in email inboxes.

About the Author

David Nartin

David is a marketing manager at He specializes Internet marketing and marketing tools for small businesses.

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